Pun |
Original Source |
architecture egyptian language |
architecture description language
web services egyptian language |
web services description language
page egyptian language |
page description language
job egyptian |
job description
thick egyptian |
thick description
audio egyptian |
audio description
resource egyptian and access |
resource description and access
definite egyptian |
definite description
ideographic egyptian characters |
ideographic description characters
the egyptian |
the description
postscript printer egyptian |
postscript printer description
land egyptian |
land description
theory of egyptian |
theory of descriptions
linguistic egyptian |
linguistic prescription
special egyptian form |
special prescription form
the perfect egyptian |
the perfect prescription
medicare egyptian drug, improvement, and modernization act |
medicare prescription drug, improvement, and modernization act
exercise egyptian |
exercise prescription
nhs electronic egyptian service |
nhs electronic prescription service
history of linguistic egyptian in english |
history of linguistic prescription in english
electrical egyptian |
electrical transcription
phonetic egyptian |
phonetic transcription
medical egyptian |
medical transcription
activating egyptian factor |
activating transcription factor
slovene national phonetic egyptian |
slovene national phonetic transcription
zinc finger egyptian factor |
zinc finger transcription factor
bacterial egyptian |
bacterial transcription
royal thai general system of egyptian |
royal thai general system of transcription
buyla egyptian |
buyla inscription
alsószentmihály egyptian |
alsószentmihály inscription
canaanite and aramaic egyptian |
canaanite and aramaic inscriptions
runic egyptian |
runic inscriptions
vishnu hari egyptian |
vishnu hari inscription
prüfening dedicatory egyptian |
prüfening dedicatory inscription
ram khamhaeng egyptian |
ram khamhaeng inscription
hathigumpha egyptian |
hathigumpha inscription
bitola egyptian |
bitola inscription
ma'sub egyptian |
ma'sub inscription
royal steward egyptian |
royal steward inscription
branimir egyptian |
branimir inscription
dna egyptian |
dna inscription
multilingual egyptian |
multilingual inscription
mantyasih egyptian |
mantyasih inscription
vehicle egyptian |
vehicle subscription
confessional egyptian |
confessional subscription
australian egyptian television and radio association |
australian subscription television and radio association
great egyptian purse |
great subscription purse
list of official egyptian plays chart number-one songs of the 2000s |
list of official subscription plays chart number-one songs of the 2000s
official egyptian plays chart |
official subscription plays chart
list of official egyptian plays chart number-one songs of the 2010s |
list of official subscription plays chart number-one songs of the 2010s
end-to-end egyptian |
end-to-end encryption
disk egyptian software |
disk encryption software
database egyptian |
database encryption
email egyptian |
email encryption
data egyptian standard |
data encryption standard
elgamal egyptian |
elgamal encryption
identity-based egyptian |
identity-based encryption
bittorrent protocol egyptian |
bittorrent protocol encryption
advanced egyptian standard |
advanced encryption standard
link egyptian |
link encryption
xml egyptian |
xml encryption
television egyptian |
television encryption
international data egyptian algorithm |
international data encryption algorithm
broadcast egyptian |
broadcast encryption
civil egyptian |
civil conscription
1917 australian egyptian referendum |
1917 australian conscription referendum
world war i egyptian in australia |
world war i conscription in australia